Terms and Conditions


The parties have agreed that the Tillow Coaching & Consulting will provide to the client monthly advisory services in accordance with the provisions of this agreement.


Tillow Coaching & Consulting will provide coaching for 4x fifty minute sessions, commencing on


The Client acknowledges that no specific outcome is guaranteed, and the type of coaching required will be determined by the Client.

Whilst financial investments may be discussed during the coaching sessions, it is not the intention of this agreement or the Coach to provide any form of investment advice. The client is advised to consider seeking independent advice from a Financial Planner, Financial Advisor or banker.

The purpose of money coaching is to evaluate your current financial situation and educate you on how to meet your financial goals, including recommendations for specific courses of action. As a Money Coach, I will not give tax or legal advice. However, I may refer you to professionals in those areas.  


The Client agrees to engage Tillow Coaching & Consulting to provide the client the following services;

• One-on-one educational coaching;

• One-on-one life coaching;

• E-mail and text support;

• Research services provided by the Coach, as designed jointly with the Client.

The Client understand that the power of the coaching relationship can only be granted by the Client. Money Coaching is not investment advice or financial planning.

Rather, coaching seeks to empower the Client through education and skill building so that the Client is better able to make his/her own money choices. Coaching services include goal clarification, brainstorming, asking questions, teaching client how to find, understand, and use tools, information, and financial data widely available through public domain. The Client has the right to decline or make counter offers to all coaching requests. The Coach uniformly agrees to respect and maintain the highest level of confidentiality.

During the Money Coaching program, the Coach may share with the Client information and/or independent research or opinions on stocks, funds, insurance products, and other services using outside sources believed, but not guaranteed, to be accurate. In no case should this data be construed as a solicitation to buy or sell a particular issue or product. Money coaching is not a replacement for financial advisory and planning services; rather, it enables the Client to work with financial advisors, planners and brokers more effectively. The Coach works strictly on a fee for service basis, and does not accept commission or other remuneration from any brokerage or financial services firm.

The Client expressly agrees that they are participating in coaching as a purely voluntary activity, and that they assume all the investment and financial risk potential in this activity.


Coaching sessions with the Tillow Coaching & Consulting are generally one hour in length. The client will be offered an introductory 20-minute meeting which will be provided at no charge. The initial meeting will be used to establish goals and determine whether the coaching is suitable for the Client.

Each session will be conducted either by phone, video conference, or in person. In addition, the Client can contact the Coach via e-mail, text, or phone call. After the three (3), seven (7) and after all sessions have been completed, feedback will be requested. Additional sessions for monitoring are typically suggested for up to one year or more, on a case by case basis.


The client maintains the right to cancel the services at least 48 hours in advance of the next due payment for the next month’s coaching session. Cancellation must be done by notifying the Tillow Coaching & Consulting in writing or by email. If you do not cancel with at least 48 hours notice, you will be charged for that coaching session.


We do not offer any refunds for services that have already been rendered. If you have paid in advance and cancel your session at least 48 hours in advance, we will provide a full refund for the cancelled sessions.

For cancellations within less than 48 hours from the service, no refund will be provided.


The existence and terms of this agreement and information provided in connection with its performance are confidential and the parties must treat this information confidentially. They must not and must ensure that any person who with approval receives the information does not, disclose any of the information in any form to anyone else or use any of the information except to perform its obligations under this agreement.

For the purpose of this agreement, ‘Confidential Information’ means all information which might fairly be considered to be of a confidential nature (whether provided directly or indirectly).


This agreement may be terminated by the Coach if the Client fails to pay any requisite Fees within 14 days after the date they are due. The Coach may terminate the Agreement immediately, with no notice period, in writing.

This agreement may also be terminated by either Party, upon notice in writing if:

I. the other party commits a breach of this Agreement and the breach is not capable of being remedied within 14 days of notice in writing; or

II. the other party is unable to perform its duties under this Agreement (including performance); or

III. the other party engages in any conduct that may be considered to be a conflict or potential conflict of interest between the parties.


The client indemnifies Tillow Coaching & Consulting against any loss, damage, cost or expense, whatever incurred by Tillow Coaching & Consulting directly or indirectly, as a result of a breach by the client, or other recipient receiving the Confidential Information from the client.


I, the Client, assume total responsibility for the decisions I make about my finances, and will not hold the Coach responsible for any consequences resulting from my choices or actions.

I understand the goal of Money Coaching is to:

 Help me understand issues, resolve problems, and pursue my goals

 Provide me with information, education, and guidance so I can make decisions

 Help me identify and use resources to address my needs and promote my financial wellness

 Assist me in starting and maintaining a spending plan

 Help me with basic money management and savings towards goals

 Help me in understanding credit and how to use it properly

 Reduce my stress and anxiety about money management

 Learn how to make my money work harder for me


Tillow Coaching & Consulting will:

 Work with the Client to provide services that meet the Client’s needs

 Treat the Client with courtesy and respect

 Consult the Client if decisions need to be made about how the services are provided

 Apply any arrangements agreed with the Client and described in the Table of Services at the end of this agreement to help the Client carry out their responsibilities

 Listen to the Client’s feedback and resolve problems quickly

 Protect the Client’s privacy and confidential information

 Have insurance (workers compensation and public liability) that covers the way services are provided

 Keep clear records about the services provided to the Client

 Issue regular invoices that explain what services have been provided, their cost and when payment is due

 Let the Client know if any contact details set out in this agreement change, and

 Review the service with the Client every 3 sessions and on conclusion of service.

I understand that my Coach will not make decisions for me or make contact to creditors or others on my behalf. Making decisions and taking actions will be my responsibility. I understand that my Coach will be there to support and encourage me during the term of the engagement. Ultimately, I am responsible for my actions.

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